Monday, July 2, 2012

The Top 5 FREE Tools to Run Your Business on a Shoe-string Budget

by Michelle Hill-Smith

Naturally, my mind is huge. Whether or not the money is there, I want to make it BIG!  Have you ever wanted to do something so bad, to where you'd do anything to make it happen or you sit there thinking of every way possible to bring it to life? I've been there many times. I would have this project in mind with an absolute structure that it had to have in order for it to work. Then, I'd get so upset when I realized that I couldn't afford to make it happen. If you were like me back then, you'd give up. Throw in the towel. It's done. It's over.

The good news is that today there are soooo many tools and resources that will help you not only launch a successful business endeavor and/or marketing campaign, but they will also help you to run an organized company and appear extremely professional to your customers.

If you follow me on my Facebook Page or Blog, you'll notice that I love to share information freely. I always feel that if someone were willing to share with me back when I was getting started, I wouldn't have given up so many times. So, below are 5 of the top tools that I use in my organization that are 100% FREE to use. 

If you're in the start up phase of your company with a few to no clients or customers, there is absolutely NO NEED to pay for programs or software to house business that's not even there yet.


So, as you can see, simply starting from somewhere is most important. The money you spend to "start" your business can be better used elsewhere like in marketing, office equipment, etc. Before you invest those dollars, be sure to do a little research first. Find better options and ways to launch and grow your business. Most of these tools are free forever. That's money saved in your pocket. 

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