In these trying times for business, we all need a savior! Everyday, we wake up, go into our offices and stare at the piles of tasks that overwhelm our desk. We start on one task which last for a good 30 minutes. We begin another task for another 20 minutes. We find reason to complete another task and that lasts for about 5 minutes. It becomes a cycle. Why? Why is this happening everyday, for 7 days a week?
For many, this cycle runs for as long as 24 months and sometimes longer. It always seems to happen when we are really pushing the pedal for a stronger and more productive business. For some, there’s just a heavy fear of trust. This type of business owner doesn’t necessarily lack the skill to do the task, however, he feels confident in himself to handle everything on his own. He feels proud to wear all of the hats. After all, he can brag to his colleagues about it. Unfortunately, every good day has its end.
Then, there is the other business owner who feels that the things he loves doing most like networking, negotiating and selling are most important and should be priority. After all, these activities are what earned him more clients in the past 6 months. He leaves small yet, important tasks behind in hopes of getting to them later. This individual is the socialite, loves to go out and network for more business. He’s quite successful at it as it is his comfort zone. His business is steady growing; however, the tasks to successfully maintain that growth are expanding along with it. Even though this business has the productivity, its customer base begins to slowly suffer and crumble as the back-office operations are at a stand still.
Are we noticing a pattern here? No matter which type of business owner you are, you will eventually require assistance in order to not become a statistic. Your competition has already made strides towards saving his business. He’s accepted the fact that he can not and must not do it alone. Not only has he gained more time to network and grow his business, he’s also enhanced his business’ presence both visually and virtually! It’s now the 21st century. Doing the same thing for years and expecting a different outcome doesn’t work. The times have changed and so has the way of doing business.
Your competition has taken back an average of 6 hours in his day and here’s how:
1. NO spending countless minutes on dead-end or irrelevant phone calls;
2. NO sifting through and responding to emails every 10 minutes;
3. NO sitting behind a desk bombarded with paperwork, data-entry & blog updates;
4. NO waiting around to answer calls from customers, clients or potentials;
5. NO hair pulling over managing his bookkeeping and paying bills on time;
6. NO more “Mom and Pop” mentality …he’s now social and virtual!
With running a business, we all know that the above list could have gone on for days. In today’s business model, there’s a new way of running an effective, stable and productive business. It’s quite simple actually. The business model of today includes partnership, relationship, duo, assistance…whatever you choose to call it. We could all use a little assistance to make it work. Finding the right individual or firm to represent you and provide the relief you need is not that easy. With this in mind, OnTask Assistants has developed a series of support services to better assist “today’s” entrepreneur, small business and busy professional.
Introducing, Assist Me™, Answer It™, Cover Me™ and Make Me Social™, a series of business support services that cover the business owner with the immediate necessities for his company.
Assist Me™ serves as an affordable office support plan that covers everything in back-office operation from data-entry to accounts payable. Assist Me™ also comes with a 5-35% discount off of creative design services. Cover Me™ provides the essence of your very own personal assistant to help you with things such as gift buying, reservations, travel arrangements and much more. Answer It™ is your live telephone answering service that answers your calls during your company’s business hours. Make Me Social™ is an all-in-one social media marketing assistance platform that makes it easy for you to build your company’s reputation online.
All of our support services are straightforward, flexible, affordable and dependable. For more information please visit: for more information. Or call: 863-874-0333.
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