Thursday, August 2, 2012

Why Your Success is on Hold

by Michelle Hill-Smith

I HAD A REVELATION.  Just like many people, I spent a lot of my life struggling through decisions. I wanted success but didn’t know how to get there without the bumps and bruises along the way. I was always so determined to “make it” without having to endure the necessary hardships that were sure to be along the path of “making it.”

THAT WAS THE PROBLEM.  My goals were large. My standards were high. My resources were none. My connections were nil. It really wasn’t a good combination to begin with.  Boy, did I waste a lot of my time and the time of others that I wanted to be apart of my success. Once I figured out that in order to have the success I was looking for, I had to have a strategy to get there. Then, a plan was born. Granted, it took 8 years for me to get to this point, however, I am here when it’s time for me to be here.

You see, often times, we regret the struggle. We regret the pain, confusion, “wrong turns” we take and bad investments we make. We always feel that if we would’ve done “this or that” a certain way, things would’ve turned out better or success would’ve come sooner.
IT’S CALLED BEING DELUSIONAL  That’s right…delusional. It was my middle name for a very long time. I’m always reminded of what my Mother says quite often in her Jamaican dialect “Nothing ever happens before it’s time.” This simply means that everything in the universe has a time to be born. Your dreams, your ambitions, your trials, your tribulations, YOUR SUCCESS will all be delivered to you when you are ready to handle it. All the hurt, all the pain, all the “bad” decisions are assigned to you because you were divinely equipped to handle them. It’s God’s way of molding you for what He has in store.

The way of the universe allows us to go through things in order to be molded and prepared for what’s to come next.  Your success is on hold because you’re wallowing in your regrets.  You stopped the launch for your business or movement because you’re dwelling in the past and constantly reminding yourself of all the time “you feel” you’ve wasted. You’re exact thoughts are “Look at what happen last time. If I don’t choose this opportunity or make the decision fast enough, my success would never come.” Patience and proper planning is surely a virtue.

I NOW HAVE AND UNDERSTAND THE IMPORTANCE OF AN ORGANIZED STRATEGY, SUPPORT TEAM AND SUCCESS SYSTEM!  At this stage in my life, after all the drama, confusion, hurt, pain, bad deals and investments, blah, blah, blah, now it’s quite simple.

1) I identified where I wanted to be financially and the reasons I need to be there.

2) I developed a strategy that involves every aspect of my business and career path that would easily flow together, combine well and be understood by my audience and followers.

3) I plugged into a proven system that has all the components needed to not only bring success for me financially, but can also enhance the value of my business and career as a business launch and productivity expert.

I MADE THE DECISION.  As you can see, it all fits together for me. I decided that I didn’t want to do the same thing, following the same strategy for my business‘ growth for the next 5 years. I wanted and needed to step out of my box and do something different.

Your success doesn’t have to be on hold. I encourage you to develop a strategy. If you’re interested in a system for your success but you’re not sure how it can tie into what you’re already doing, consider enhancing your current business or lifestyle to include this new system or venture. It’s important that you get the support of a mentor that can guide you in the right direction. Plug into a system that has a proven track record and can bring you the results you’re looking for in order to get to the next level in your life or business. I did it and I know you can as well.

Here’s to your new found strategy and success!
Michelle Hill-Smith


  1. I absolutely adore this post. Food at the proper time. Thanks for sharing your story.

  2. Great post! I agree with Larissa Parks. Thank you!

  3. Thanks for being apart of the community! I'm glad you like it!

  4. Love, love love it great information!!


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